Our Pre-school & Nursery Wraparound Care offers:
· Think 2 Funding (Pre-School only)
· 2 year old Working Parents Entitlement (Pre-School only)
· 15 Hours NEF Funding
· 30 hours Funding
· Paid Sessions
Early Years Aims
*To provide an environment that is safe, secure and welcoming, where learning takes place through play.
*To promote understanding, kindness and tolerance of others.
*To nurture self-confidence, self-esteem and encourage independence.
*To provide a rich play environment, where children can explore without fear of failure.
*To provide equal opportunities for all regardless of gender, race, culture or religion, special or additional
*To provide the children with access to the Early Year Development Matters goals where their development
will be assessed on a regular basis.
*To ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of every child, socially, intellectually, emotionally and physically.
Pre-School and Nursery is open during school term time. Session times are as follows:
Full Day: 8.45am-3.15pm
AM: 8.45am-11.45am
Pre-School PM: 12.15pm-3.15pm
Breakfast Club can be booked from 7.30am and After School Club is available until 6pm.
The costs are as follows if your child requires paid sessions:
7.30am Breakfast Club – £6.25
8.30am Breakfast Club – £1.25
Full Day 8.45am-3.15pm – £30.00 (bring own lunch or book a hot meal for £2.30)
AM 8.45am-11.45am – £15.00
PM 12.15pm-3.15pm – £15.00
After School Club 3.15-4.30 – £6.25
After School Club 3.15-6.00 – £13.75
Bookings and Payments
Please see Mrs Martin in the school office to book sessions. If your child is entitled to funded sessions, Pre-school will endeavour to meet your requirements. Additional paid sessions would be subject to availability.
Payments must be made by 2pm Friday the week before however they can be paid monthly or half-termly in advance, for any none funded sessions. Payments are made using Parent Pay, staff will provide a bar-coded letter for you the first week of attending. Notice must be given by Friday the week before if you wish to change any paid sessions. All cancellations must be made by 2pm Friday the week before in order for you to be reimbursed and sessions are still payable if your child is absent during the week. For funded sessions, you must give two weeks’ notice.
We do accept childcare voucher and tax free childcare payments.
How to enrol:
To enrol your child in our Pre-school please call Mrs Martin on 01543 227580 or to enrol online please Click here