Welcome to Early Years’ page!
Here you can find out about what we are learning, our daily routines, important events and see what Early Years is all about!
Here at Littleton Green, the staff and children are really proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage and love coming to school to learn. Our EYFS classes are special places where our children begin their exciting journey through school life. These classes work together to provide an enriching, stimulating curriculum, covering all areas of learning, and providing the solid foundations, that underpin all future learning.
‘The Statutory Requirements for EYFS’ and ‘Birth to 5 Matters’ are the key documents that we use to inform the planning of our hands on, topic based curriculum. Children experience a balanced range of high quality, adult led, and child initiated learning that is purposeful, challenging and play based, both indoors and outdoors. Activities are focused on meeting the needs, interests and next steps of all children, fostering curiosity, independence, creativity and critical thinking, discovering our wonderful world, and developing personalities, talents and friendships.
We hope you enjoy finding out about our Preschool, Nursery and Reception classes and sharing in all of the learning we are doing.

Our Preschool and nursery now offers both 15 and 30 hours provision. This is free for parents who are eligible – check https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare to find out if you may be eligible. If you aren’t, we can still offer 30 hours at a cost of £30 a day or 15 hours for £15.
For further details contact Mrs. A Martin in the school office.
For more information about our Preschool, Nursery and Reception classes, please explore the following links.