Positive Behaviour at Littleton Green
The Local Academy Council and staff of the school believe that good behaviour is fundamental to success in the classroom for both children and teachers. Good behaviour results from a well-planned and delivered curriculum that stimulates children to learn, ask questions, debate, and challenge themselves. Our behaviour principles are rooted in our school values, and we follow a Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) approach.
Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach that Littleton Green uses to improve school safety and to promote positive behaviour. The primary goal of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of the school by improving social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students. PBIS is a framework the school uses to encourage good behaviour by helping students learn about behaviour in the same way as they learn curriculum subjects.
Key Features
A Common Vision – At LGCS, all children and adults strive to be ‘PURPLE’ (Proud, Unique, Reflective, Loving, Positive and Empowered). We have three school-wide behavioural expectations which enable pupils to be PURPLE:
A Common Language – At a school-wide level, praise and encouragement in and out of lessons is used. For example, favourable comments in marking, Dojo points awarded within lessons, wonderful walking around school
A Common Experience – All members of staff use the same system of actions, routines and procedures to recognise achievements. These include:
- Recognition is given to success in Praise Assemblies, e.g. presentation of swimming and cycling proficiency awards etc.
- Children’s work should be displayed as much as possible both in the classroom and corridors of the school.
- A visit to the Principal or Phase Leaders/subject leaders is recommended for special commendations.
- Opportunities for giving children greater responsibility in school should be fostered e.g. Line Leaders, Green Guardians, Librarians etc.
- Stickers or mini certificates can be awarded by teachers for good work and/or behaviour.
- Attendance: At LGCS we recognise the link between good attendance and good behaviour. Consequently, the class, that achieves the highest attendance in the school each week, will be rewarded.
Through these key features, we make it easy for children to behave and hard not to through:
- unconditional positive regard for all pupils;
- the use of our PURPLE values and three rules to underpin our choices, actions and on how we reflect on negative choices;
- a focus on choice: we refer to good choices (which lead to good consequences) and choices which are bad (which lead to negative consequences). Language of choice is used to encourage:
- self-management of behaviour and reflection on behaviour choices made i.e. there are always different behavioural options;
- any poor behaviour is a result of the choices made rather than negative expectations associated with the ‘labelling’ of a child;
- recognising, acknowledging and rewarding pupils for their positive choices, use of our values and behaviour;
- consistency in behaviour management based on our whole school structure where all staff are expected and empowered to effectively manage behaviour;
- a positive and assertive approach, where clear boundaries are set and enforced consistently, fairly, calmly and firmly.
If any child is worried or concerned about the behaviour of another child towards them, they can speak to their class teacher or another trusted adult in school.
For more information about our positive behaviour strategies, please see our policy:
Positive Behaviour Policy